
Parents and Education Blog

Explore insightful articles developed by bilingual educators.

Languages4kidz fully animated e-books in Spanish and English

We are delighted to talk today about our latest accomplishment! Languages4kidz fully animated e-books in Spanish and English. We have been busy working on an interesting project. Published on iTunes this week is the new Multi-Touch “International Day/Dia Internacional” books from our Children’s Book Collection. “International Day”and in Spanish “Dia Internacional” is a lovely book about respect, friendship and feeling proud of one’s own country and culture. The digital books were created in-house by the Languages4kidz team with animations and sounds plus amazing fun activities that children can enjoy and interact with. This new version of the books includes: Read

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Children are learning a second language at ever younger ages

Our children are learning a second language at ever younger ages. Is it a world educational revolution? In the past few years there has been an increase on parents’ desire to expose their little ones to an early language learning start. They want the best for their children and they know that one or more languages besides their mother tongue will provide them access to better opportunities around the world. Hence, very young children from all over the world are now being taught a second language. So, is it a good idea to learn a  second language froman early age?

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A colors rhyme

Poems and nursery rhymes are a great way to engage children in the repetition of concepts and vocabulary introduced. Here is a color rhyme to recite with your class. Invite them to follow your actions. Point to the color you recite as you do the movement. If your clothes have any red, Put your finger on your head. If you’re wearing any blue, Put your finger on your shoe. If you’re wearing something green, Wave your hand so that you’re seen. If you have on something yellow, Give a smile like a happy fellow. If your clothes have any brown,

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Learning having fun!

Brain research suggests that fun is not just beneficial to learning but required for authentic learning and long-term memory. Keep in mind that the highest-level executive thinking, making of connections, and “aha” moments are more likely to occur in an atmosphere of “exuberant discovery,” where students of all ages retain the enthusiasm of embracing each day with the joy of learning. When little ones are having fun they are motivated and we can keep them active and engaged. But how can we have a class of young children having fun all the time? We can prepare a stimulating environment where

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Spanish Picture Books for language and content

Languages4kidz Spanish Picture Books for kids. One of the keys to raising bilingual kids is to find ways to expose them to the target language in fun ways. One of the most effective ways is to read to them in that language as much as possible. Reading fosters vocabulary development and helps children learn about times, cultures, and people other than their own; it helps them learn about the world and understand how others think, act, and feel. In addition, the repetition of stories gives children and their parents the opportunity to hear the words and structures of the target

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Reading to very young learners

Reading to very young learners is an effective and enjoyable way to expose them to a foreign language. Children of all ages love to be read to. When you read out loud, you are teaching about communication, and helping young children build their listening and memory skills. You are giving them information about the world. You are introducing them to concepts and vocabulary in a fun way, and you are helping them develop skills in the target language by imitating sounds, recognizing images, and learning words. Moreover, children will not just “learn” the words, they will immediately see how the

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Teaching English to kids through Picture Books

We have been busy working in collaboration with Adhoc Language on a new project. We have created an English course for children 6-12 years of age accessible from any device through Adhoc’s online campus. The course is based on one of Languages4kidz Picture Books “A Birthday Party.” It has a duration of approximately 20 hours and it is built into 12 units developed using a variety of multimedia resources. Kids will learn and practice more than 200 words and will practice the use of familiar language structures. Language exercises and hands on activities have been combined to attract kids and

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Language learning is a natural process

Children learn to talk using only the sounds and words they pick up from their environment most importantly from their parents and caregivers. Many scientists believe that a newborn’s brain is genetically “programmed” to learn language, just as a bird is programmed to sing or a spider to weave a web. No one actually teaches children to talk. Rather, parents and others enable their learning by speaking while they interact with them. Therefore, interaction is a critical part of this process. Consequently, a baby’s brain will then discard the ability to speak in languages he or she does not hear.

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Global trends in foreign language around the world

Global trends in foreign language around the world. In the last decade there has been an enormous increase and discussion around the new findings that give a lot of information about the importance of starting early when it comes to helping children acquire a foreign language. The benefits of a bilingual or multilingual education are well documented and now we are more aware that it helps children gain cross cultural understanding and global awareness; it enhances academic progress in other subjects; it narrows achievement gaps; it benefits higher order, problem solving, abstract and creative thinking; it enriches and enhances cognitive,

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Holidays in October

During the month of October we celebrate various holidays around the world. The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the most important holiday of the Jewish, Oktoberfest celebrated by the Germans with big parties with harvest food and delicious treats. Canadian Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October. The discovery of America (Columbus Day and Dia de la Raza) on October 12. And finally, Halloween which is celebrated in many countries on the last day of October, the 31st. As part of the Let’s Celebrate program Languages4kidz has developed a mini-unit Booklet on Halloween with a lesson plan

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Open-mindedness and respect towards others is what we want young children to learn besides a new language

When teaching a foreign language it is extremely important to begin with children in their early years, when their minds are still open to “catching” differences and fitting them inside their “thinking system”. So, what is learned is not only the new language, but an open mindedness and respect towards the differences between them and others in the world. In a globalized world where we continuously come in contact with people from different cultures, it should be a common practice to learn foreign languages and to create a positive attitude towards everything that is “different” from one’s own culture. As

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Is earlier really better?

Recent studies indicate that the best time for children to learn a foreign language is during their first three to four years of life. It is during this period that children develop a natural ability to learn. Scientists suggest that when it comes to ease of learning and proficiency in a foreign language, earlier is better. There is a “window of opportunity” for easily acquiring additional languages from the moment a child is born. Research indicates that newborns are very receptive to the distinctive sounds of foreign languages. During the first six months of life, babies babble using 70 sounds

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10 tips to use when reading to very young kids

Reading to very young kids – tips for parents and teachers. This is the title of our latest video. When teaching young kids a new language take some time to emphasize to parents each week the importance of reading to their children at home, not only in their native language but the target language, as well. Lay out a special story blanket and invite families to gather with you for Story time. Ask parents of younger children to cuddle them for this activity so as to help them feel safe and warm. Invite older children to gather in front of

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All kids should learn a second language

All kids should learn a second language. Early language learning has acquired a significant importance all over the world. Parents are now more aware of the latest findings and the benefits a second language may give their children and know very well that learning another language besides their mother tongue has become a need in our society. We are all aware of the incredible learning potential of children, particularly during the first five years. Research has clearly shown that a child’s brain is capable of learning several languages at once, and the earlier the better. When children learn a second

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Story time: Reading aloud to children in their early years

When we are working with little ones Story Time becomes an essential component of each of your lessons. Reading to children lays the foundation for a love of reading throughout their lives. In your classes, it contributes in a particularly unique way to the development of the target language, whether it is Spanish or English. Reading fosters vocabulary development and helps children learn about times, cultures, and people other than their own; it helps them learn about the world and understand how others think, act, and feel. In addition, the repetition of the stories selected which by the way all

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I love Languages4kidz program

Read why Bilingual Blogger and Speaker Gianny Liranzo @madres conectadas loves our program and what it has taught her children. “Today I want to share with you this BIG SALE that has The bilingual author and educator Graciela Castellanos creator of a wonderful series of books for children in Spanish and English and to teach both languages. My oldest son has already read all the Language4kidz books in Spanish and the first whole book my other 5 year old read was from the series as well (we even published a photo of that achievement). What I like are so many

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Get ready for the new school year

Get ready for the new school year We are at the beginning of a new school year and parents and children are busy shopping for school supplies and clothing and teachers are getting ready to welcome their new group of children. Teachers are busy planning activities for the first days of school. These activities will be geared at helping students get to know each another, exploring the classroom and the materials around, coming up as a group with classroom rules, establishing routines and taking notes of the strengths and needs of each child. There are many ways of providing activities

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Teaching kids with songs

Teaching with songs is an amazing tool for helping young children acquire a new language. Singing with children can be a fun and valuable experience. When you sing with young children, you can adjust the speed and volume to fit their abilities. You don’t need to sound like a professional singer. As long as you are enthusiastic, young children will enjoy it, and want to sing along. Young learners pick up vocabulary, grammatical structures, and the rhythm of the language simply by doing what we all love to do…singing songs. Languages4kidz uses familiar songs and melodies, finger plays and nursery

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The importance of teaching a second language to little ones

Teaching a second or a third language to children during their first years of life has become a trend. Today, all the research conducted regarding foreign language learning makes emphasis on all the benefits it brings to children and their future in a globalized world. We have come to realize how young babies can discriminate between sounds with ease. We know they can learn two languages simultaneously, through play, songs, stories and appropriate activities in a fun and natural way as long as they are regularly interacting with speakers of both languages. We know about the benefits that learning a

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Summer is here!

Summer is a great time for kids to enjoy different indoor and outdoor activities. They love to go to the beach and play with the sand. Here is the trailer of a beautiful picture book about a child at the beach. What he sees, what he hears, what he smells, what he tastes and what he feels. Get a copy for your kids at: Amazon

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Earth Day!!!

April 22nd is Earth Day!!! A day to celebrate our beautiful planet. Anything to help our environment is a perfect thing to do on Earth Day and every day. There are lots of easy and fun ways to celebrate Earth Day that can actually make a difference all year long. Learn about how you can make a difference and remember that leading by example will help others remember that caring about the earth is important every day of the year. Here are some ways you and your children can contribute to heal our planet and we’d love to hear your

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Get your kids outside and let them play!

Kids these days are spending most of their time inside the school and inside the house and are losing precious moments that will last a lifetime. Let’s encourage them to play outside and get in contact with nature. Get them to experience the joy and pleasure in activities such as, rolling in the grass, splashing into puddles, getting their toes into the sand, collecting rocks, leaves or pine cones, playing with the hose, looking for bugs, smelling the flowers, or enjoying a beautiful sunny day running and playing with their friends. Now that Spring is here, let the children go

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Spring will soon be here!

Spring is a great time to invite children to explore nature. Let them experience planting seeds, watching how a caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly or take a walk in the park to see, hear and smell the birds, the flowers, and the green grass. Talk to them about  cute young animals that make their appearance at this time of year. There is a variety of themes and picture books that can help you get organized for Spring. We hope you will find something that inspires you in our teaching resources! Here is an example of a beautiful poem in

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Why is having fun so important when learning a new language?

Learning is easier if it is fun and to make it fun we need to provide children with a playful environment. The more fun the environment, the more a child will want to stay with it. We know children learn in a variety of ways but we all recognize that play is an important vehicle in the process. Children learn a second language in a natural way, through play, songs, rhymes, movement, exploration, creativity, games, story books and fun activities in an environment that is playful. When exposing children to a new language use the language at all times paired

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A week of special celebrations

It’s a week of special celebrations for families from different parts of the world. Take note of the special days we are about to celebrate! Monday the 8th is Chinese New Year Day Chinese people celebrate the New Year. 2016 is the Year of the Monkey in their calendar. They believe what they do on the first day of the lunar year affects their luck in that year. Families reunite and do a lot of preparations for Chinese New Year. Some either visit their relatives or friends, or wait for their relatives’ or friends’ visits. These visits bring kids many

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Times of Multicultural Holiday Celebrations

Let’s celebrate or multicultural traditions… We are almost at the end of November and we can see people everywhere getting ready to celebrate the Holidays. There is a magic flare that surrounds our homes and brings joy to many in different parts of the world. Everyone seems focused on family traditions and “fiestas”. Next week many of us will celebrate “Thanksgiving Day.” In the International Schools I used to work for, we celebrated Thanksgiving with a fabulous lunch with parents and children together at the table. We all held hands before the meal and each child had the opportunity to

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Celebracion del Dia Internacional / International Day celebration

Celebrating International Day was one of my favorite traditions at the schools I used to work for. It was a special day where students celebrated their different cultures by introducing food, customs, music, dance and many other elements from their culture or country of origin. Below are a few photos of this celebration in schools I have worked for. As a former IB/PYP educator I firmly support the IB Learner’s Profile: “-We work together, take risks and inquire into our own and other cultures. -We think about, and gain knowledge about, the world around us. -We find ways to communicate

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Recipes in Spanish with poems and photos

One of our books for kids review. Thanks to Spanish Playground for its great review of our book “Recetas graciosas y saludables”. Recetas graciosas y saludables by Graciela Castellanos has simple recipes in Spanish. Best of all, these recipes are extension activities for short poems. The poems and recipes in Spanish have…” Read more here

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Singing in class

I am one of those bilingual teachers that love singing. It brightens my day and brings joy to the children and parents around me. Here is a video of some songs I demonstrated to teachers while in a training session in China. Through songs, little ones can explore new thematic units in context, learn and practice new vocabulary, internalize grammar structures, – and singing along to a tune is a great way for them to get used to the language and practice pronunciation. I used to teach at the pre-primary and elementary levels and of course some songs were a

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Funny and healthy recipes

Watch the trailer of our new story in Spanish! Funny and healthy recipes for the little ones. A children’s book that will amuse them and help them to increase and practice their vocabulary.  

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Happy father’s day!

Happy Father’s Day to all!!! Feliz día del Padre para todos!!! Father’s Day is celebrated worldwide to recognize the contribution that fathers and male figures make to the lives of children. Although it is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide, many countries observe this day on the third Sunday in June. Among these countries are: Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, Argentina, Canada, France, Greece, India, Ireland, Mexico, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, and Venezuela. There are many ways you can celebrate, but the best of all is by giving him a big hug and a kiss with the

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Let’s celebrate!

Today we celebrate the European Day of Languages. Our planet has over 7 billion people who speak between 6 000 and 7 000 different languages. A few languages are spoken by hundreds of millions of speakers, such as English or Chinese, but most are spoken by only a few thousand, or just a handful of speakers. Check out the following website for info and activities for celebrating the languages we speak around the world: EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES

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Welcome Spring!

A creative idea and a song for SPRING! Spring song: Do you see a sign of spring, (point at your eyes) A sign of spring, a sign of spring? Do you see a sign of spring? Tell us what you see. I can see the sun that shines, (open and shut fingers) The sun that shines, the sun that shines, I can see the sun that shines, All around town. Do you smell a sign of spring, (point at your nose) A sign of spring, a sign of spring? Do you smell a sign of spring? Tell us what you

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Happy St. Patricks day

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated by the Irish, as well as many other Americans with the wearing of green, songs, dances, parties, and parades. People wear something green and if not they are pinched. There are many symbols to this holiday, although children tend to associate the color green, shamrock and leprechauns with this celebration. The Irish love folktales about imaginary fairies. The most famous of these “wee folk” are leprechauns, who are shoemakers for all the other fairies. A leprechaun looks like a tiny old man. They are tricky and mischievous. Legend says if you catch one, he is

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TESOL Convention

This past weekend I attended the 37th Annual TESOL convention in Madrid. It was a long and intense weekend filled with great presentations, workshops, a publishers’ exhibition, and opportunities to share and talk with other teachers from different places. I found myself taking notes on the latest trends in teaching English to very young learners and completely engaged with the ideas presented. My head was getting filled with ideas and my spirit soaring with motivation. As someone once said a good teacher is a constant learner – so regardless of the years one has been teaching, Professional Development should always

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Salon del Libro Infantil de Madrid

Last January 4th I participated in the Salón del Libro Infantil y Juvenil de Madrid. This was a marvelous event that congregated authors of children’s Books from many different parts of the world. I enjoyed reading to the little ones some of my books and singing some of the songs related to the themes in the books. The children and their parents enjoyed this activity and I had a wonderful time!

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At he Book Fair!

This has been a wonderful week! I signed my books and carried out an activity for children at the Pabellon Infantil. Thanks to everyone for attending. You can find the Wise Foxes Collection at the Book Fair    

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A colors rhyme

Poems and nursery rhymes are a great way to engage children in the repetition of concepts and vocabulary introduced. Here is a color rhyme to

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Learning having fun!

Brain research suggests that fun is not just beneficial to learning but required for authentic learning and long-term memory. Keep in mind that the highest-level

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Holidays in October

During the month of October we celebrate various holidays around the world. The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the most important holiday

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Earth Day!!!

April 22nd is Earth Day!!! A day to celebrate our beautiful planet. Anything to help our environment is a perfect thing to do on Earth

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Singing in class

I am one of those bilingual teachers that love singing. It brightens my day and brings joy to the children and parents around me. Here

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Happy father’s day!

Happy Father’s Day to all!!! Feliz día del Padre para todos!!! Father’s Day is celebrated worldwide to recognize the contribution that fathers and male figures

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Let’s celebrate!

Today we celebrate the European Day of Languages. Our planet has over 7 billion people who speak between 6 000 and 7 000 different languages.

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TESOL Convention

This past weekend I attended the 37th Annual TESOL convention in Madrid. It was a long and intense weekend filled with great presentations, workshops, a

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At he Book Fair!

This has been a wonderful week! I signed my books and carried out an activity for children at the Pabellon Infantil. Thanks to everyone for

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